How to Travel from Bagan to Yangon?

Bagan is an ancient, hallowed land with peaceful atmosphere. But for some energetic travelers, this peaceful land does not do their justice. In that case, which place is more suitable than the hectic ground of Yangon? Hmm… but wait… how can we travel from Bagan to Yangon? Don’t worry, that’s why here we are: guide to ‘How to Travel from Bagan to Yangon?’

According to most tourists came to Myanmar, travel by airplane, train, and bus are the three main choices of transportation. So, let’s find out!

On Air

As always, airplane is the simpliest and fastest way to travel in Myanmar, and travel from Bagan to Yangon in particular. The price range vary from 120 to 200 $USD, and it may differ depends on different airlines and airplane classes. As for the recommendations, most travelers pick Air Bagan which is considered to be the best. Other viable option would be Myanmar Airways. One thing to note: many hotels, hostels, and resorts in Bagan offer airplane booking service.

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Most of the domestic flights in Myanmar start at 7 AM. This may sound chaotic at first, but in fact airport staffs always manage quite well via the flight stickers. This method has proved to be quite effective. This one-hour flight trip serves pretty good breakfast and beverage. The flight attendants dress in traditional Burmese clothes, all are fluent in English and attentive.

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In overall, traveling via airplane is the best option provided you prepare budget for it. But for economical choices (and more ‘adventurous’), let’s check out trains and buses.

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By Train

For many tourists, this 15-hour-long ride is somehow… unnerving due to its ‘foretold’ stories.

In Bagan, there are several places to book train tickets. However, travelers may need a little bit of work to ‘research’. Commonly there are two classes we concern about: Standard classes (about 30 $USD or less) and Upper/Sleeper classes (about 40 to 50 $USD). Different trains might have more different classes and characteristics, but normally Standard classes only have wooden bench while Upper/Sleeper classes feature better, cleaner ‘bed’, separate car, mattresses. Travelers are always recommended to get Upper/Sleeper class rather than Standard class.

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Just before departing time, tourists have 15 minutes preparation so it is a good idea to grab some snacks or drinks. And after that, welcome to this ‘daring-trip’.

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Some of us may ask: ‘so why does many people afraid of this train ride?’. Here are some main reasons: First and foremost, the ride is extremely bumpy at night. Normally things are pretty fine during the day, but at night the road starts to rumble as the train goes really fast. The bangs, the sounds, and the rumbles make it near impossible to sleep. Most tourists reported that they can only sleep for about 1 hour (and that is even considered ‘lucky’). Secondly, many trains have restaurant car, but the rumbles make it hard to access to the restaurant car. And even tourists accessed to it, the poor condition of the restaurant car may leave huge disappointment. And lastly: the overall condition of the trains. As mentioned, different trains may have different qualities. That’s why some travelers might be in bad luck when they accessed to a poor-quality train.

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So in the end, train is a economical choice, but more importantly, a daring choice for those who wants unusual experience. That being said, if we mentally prepare for this kind of experience then probably it will be a fun ride.

By Bus

Unlike rough train ride, buses seem to look much better to some extent (they still have their own annoyances though).

Just like airplane booking, you can ask your accomodating hotels, hostels, or resorts to book bus ticket for you. Compared to train’s price, buses have a bit higher prices. The best buses’ price is about 18.500 kyat, but it is the most luxurious and most comfortable you can have. For example: clean bus from inside, more comfortable reclining seats, individual TVs (with only music channel though). Occasionally the buses will stop and let tourists have time to have meal, grab snacks, drinks.

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Travel from Bagan to Yangon via buses only takes you approximately half the time of traveling by train. But what disturbs many travelers is the loud road at night. When night falls, this is when ‘madness hours’ begin. Along the ride, many buses open loud music (probably to keep drivers concious), combines with awful roads, and rough seats for some people. These entire things create a chaotic situation, luckily this experience is not as long as the train.

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…So yeah… all of these kinds of transportation might sound bad (except for airplane). But in the end it is not that bad if we know what we should expect.

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